
Lead Contamination

Lead differs from other contaminants in that it rarely occurs naturally in a raw water supply.  It gets in your drinking water after it leaves the water treatment plant. Lead dissolves in your water from old lead piping, lead solder or brass faucets. There is no safe level for lead exposure. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has set the maximum contaminant level goal for lead in drinking water at zero because lead is a toxic metal that can be harmful to human health even at low exposure levels. Lead is persistent, and it can accumulate in the body over time. The EPA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) agree that there is no known safe level of lead in a child's blood. Lead is extremely harmful to health, especially for children.   Young children, infants, and fetuses are particularly vulnerable to lead because the physical and behavioral effects of lead occur at lower exposure levels in children than in adults. A dose of lead that would ...

A Smart Resolution to Make

Happy 2021! We made it through what feels like the longest year of all time. Have you made your New Year’s resolutions yet? If you did, there’s always room to add one more to the list.  If you haven’t yet made your resolutions, start them off with a note to get your home’s water checked and have your water treatment equipment serviced. Start 2021 off on the right foot. You’ll save on possible costly repairs later, and you’ll be assured that your drinking water is safe. Happy New Year and thank you for entrusting us to serve you and your family! Call us today for all of your water treatment needs at 302-732-9002.

Happy Holidays!

Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday season from all of us at Shore Water Refining!  Please call us at 302-732-9002 for all of your water needs!

Rotten Eggs

There are many things that can give drinking water bad taste and smelly odors.  It could be chemicals used in water treatment, contaminants from the environment or concentrations of metal that have been cast off in old plumbing pipes. Some common issues we hear from new clients is that their drinking water smells like rotten eggs, smells musty, tastes like chlorine or smells and tastes metallic. If your drinking water smells like rotten eggs (which is actually fairly common) the culprit is most likely hydrogen sulfide. The best way to confirm this is to have your water tested by a professional.  In order to get rid of that rotten egg smell in your water, we can help.  Water absorbs hydrogen sulfide as it passes through the ground. When you get water from your faucet, the gas is vented from the tap water, which gives off a rotten egg smell. We can treat hydrogen sulfide in water with by oxidizing it and then filtering it. By oxidizing the hydrogen sulfide...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at Shore Water Refining!  We’d like to take a moment to thank our customers, both residential and commercial, for working with us this past year! 2020 has not been easy for anyone and we thank you for entrusting your drinking water to us. Happy Thanksgiving!

Water Quality Effects on Hair and Skin

Believe it or not, your dry skin and itchy scalp might be caused by the quality of your home’s water! Hard water has a high mineral content. It is filled with minerals like calcium and magnesium. While hard water is totally safe for drinking, showering and cooking, it may be harming your skin and hair. The abundance of minerals and chemicals in hard water leaves behind buildup. They prevent your water from completely dissolving the chemicals that are in your soap and shampoo, leaving a residue on your skin and scalp.   This residue that remains on your skin can cause excessive skin dryness and irritation. It can also cause skin breakouts if your skin is sensitive. Your scalp will have residue too. This can cause a dry and itchy scalp and dandruff. Your hair may feel like it still has some shampoo or conditioner in it, even after you’ve continued to rinse it. Your hair can even look dull and feel super dry. If you color your hair, hard water can dull the color quickly, requiri...

Is Your Well Water Actually WELL?

  Is your well water safe to drink?  That completely depends on what’s   in the water.  Evaluating the quality of drinking water from a private well makes sense and should be done on a regular basis. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends that if you have a private well, you test your water periodically to ensure it is safe to drink. Minimally, it’s a good idea to test on an annual basis for bacteria and nitrates. A consideration in keeping your well water safe is to keep all human activities a safe distance from your well. This includes things like a septic tank, livestock, farm areas where fertilizer and manure are stored, as well as fuel tanks. All of these things can leak dangerous materials into your well and ultimately into your drinking water. Know the possible threats in your area that could affect your well. Some sources of pollution are easy to detect simply by standing at the well-head and looking, listening and smelling ...